Month: October 2015

Installing Java on Ubuntu

Since Java is proprietary software, Ubuntu is unable to include it in their repositories. The version of Java (IcedTea) that is in the Ubuntu repositories is a repackaged older version of Java. Because of this, you will never have the most up to date version of Java if you stick with the one provided by […]

Loading Magento Frontend in Server Crontab

Disclaimer: This is not best practices, use the Magento cron system whenever possible. This method should only be used when working on legacy systems that use the server crontab. Any event observers set in the frontend or adminhtml typically won’t fire when a server crontab processes a scheduled job. Any easy solution for this is […]

Unique Messages in Magento

Magento allows you to create unique messages that won’t be duplicated if it gets called multiple times. You do this by using the addUniqueMessages() function in any session. Example of a unique error message: // this creates the error message using the ‘core/message’ model $message = Mage::getModel(‘core/message_error’, Mage::helper(‘checkout’)->__(‘Oops, you did something wrong!’)); // setting the […]